Saturday, August 31, 2019

Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present

Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Traditionally the United States, along with the majority of the world has been a patriarchal society. The customary male role, specifically in relation to the home, has been the head of the household, the protector, and the provider. A male’s duty was unquestionably embodied in these three ideas, until the 1970’s. The growing feminist movement of that time began to question and displace these roles as solely belonging to a man, and the male role in society slowly began to shift.Instead of being the sole breadwinner for his home, families with two working parents have become increasingly more common. Women in the workforce have allowed father’s to spend more time at home with their children and helping out around the house. Over the last 50 years the male role has changed drastically, and while not all of the changes that have taken place are bad, the overall effect of these changes on society has been a negative one, creating a generation of fatherlessness, increased crime, and a general lack of respect for authority in any form.For generations it has been a man’s responsibility to provide for his family. Women were rarely even accepted into the workforce until after WWII. However, government encouragement for women to enter the labor force during the war, in combination with the rising feminist movement started a tidal wave movement of women pursuing higher education and careers. Women currently make up the majority of the workforce and 60% of all college graduates (Rosin). Donnalyn Pompper, a professor at Temple University, expands on this further in her article about the masculine gender role conflict theory.She explains that that after WWII, the increased female presence in the labor force â€Å"destabilized the breadwinner role as a basis for male identity, and now men must accept working wives and a more active parental role† (Pompper). And while it is true that the shift to equal opportunity in the workforce is almost universally agreed upon as a positive change, the balance and delicateness of the male psyche and ego are seldom taken into consideration. For many men, the ability to provide for one’s family is an integral part of the definition of masculinity.In interviews conducted by Dr. Pompper, when asked to individually define masculinity, a reoccurring theme in both the younger and older men interviewed was the ability to provide for one’s family. One of the young men interviewed said, â€Å"Being masculine means you are able to look at your wife and say ‘I got this’. To be able to look at your kids and say ‘I’ve got you’. That to me is the epitome of masculinity†¦being able, at the end of the day, to look at your family and say, ‘get on my back, I’ve got you the rest of the way’. Another man expressed similar feelings and said, â€Å"I think that every guy feels like itâ⠂¬â„¢s his place not to be the stay home Dad† (Pompper). Even in today’s forward thinking society, men are wired to be the provider. To take that role completely away is emasculating to him and leaves him feeling like he is unnecessary in the home. Although a family where, either both parents, or just the mother provide financially may be a little tough on the male ego, it is not detrimental. Provider is not the only established male role, protector and ‘head of the house’ are equally important to the equation.The traditional man of the 1960’s was indisputably the head of his home. There was a clear hierarchy, and while the husband and wife still often worked as a team, the culture of the time dictated that a man was undeniably in charge of his home, and his family. In many ways, this has been one of the most distinct changes between the 1960’s and 2012. Because men are no longer the sole breadwinner for their home, they are required to spend a larger portion of their time taking an active role in the home. No longer is the kitchen and house exclusively a woman’s domain, but rather shared by both parties.Men are expected to help out around the house and with the children, as much as women are. The idea of â€Å"team parenting† has evolved and taken root in today’s society, and has had excellent outcomes. Research has shown that children who are raised by two parents (a mother and a father specifically) have greater cognitive ability and success rates than children whose fathers are absent or uninvolved (Hofferth). This style of parents working together as a team to raise their children has been a great strategy, but looking at the big picture, it is shown that â€Å"Team parenting† has also unknowingly created some problems.Studies have shown that a child’s success throughout their life is largely dependent on the structure of their childhood (Hofferth). Given that men’s taking a more proactive role in the home and in the lives of their children is a good thing, the way that it has been approached has been problematic because it has undermined the hierarchy of the home. Similar to a man’s need to be the provider is the need to be the protector of his home. In addition, a man is not the only one who craves a distinctive hierarchy in the home, so do the children. According to Dr. David Bjorklund and Dr.Anthony Pellegrini, children need a clear authority figure. Often times by approaching parenting as a team and as equals, the mother and father undermine each other’s authority (Bjorklund, Pellegrini). Furthermore, without a specific and defined role, the position of father has been diminished as unimportant. For generations men have been noted as head of the house, and hailed for that important position. However, without that distinct role to play, it begins to seem like they’re participation is unnecessary as their wife is obviously much better suited to caring for and developing relationship with a child.These personal misgivings in combination with the media reinforcing the idea that the father role is superfluous, are huge contributors to why more and more fatherlessness is becoming the social epidemic of the generation (Pompper). This is an important issue that needs to be addressed, because Fathers are vital to the family unit. In their article about the role of fathers in children’s development, Amanda Quesenberry M. Ed. , Michaelene M. Ostrosky Ph. D. , and Robert Corso Ph. D. , note â€Å"Fathers are critical members of the family system who influence their children and their families in unique ways† (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso).The article states that even in today’s society, father’s hold a huge amount of influence over society, enough that their presence and involvement is necessary to not only the success of the family as a unit, but also to the individual children. However, since the importance of fathers and fatherhood has not been stressed, and in fact the opposite has been emphasized, approximately one out of every 3 children does not have an active father or father figure in their lives (Hofferth). Acceptance and affection from a father or father figure is vital to a child’s cognitive development, and recent statistics how that behavioral problems among children, adolescents, and young adults with no active father in their lives are far greater than those of children living with both a father and a mother (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso), and also tend to deal with one or more of the following issues: personality and psychological adjustment problems, behavioral problems (including aggression towards people and animals, property destruction, deceitfulness, and theft), delinquency, and psychopathology (substance abuse, depression) (Rohner).The rate of violent crimes have gone up roughly 300% since the 1960’s, and of the juveniles who ha ve been incarcerated for serious crimes 70% of them have been raised with no real father figure. In addition, 70% of all girls who become pregnant were raised without fathers (Lykken). These alarming numbers demonstrate the profound effect a father can have on the development, and therefore future of a child. The final issue that has come out of male’s displacement from his traditional roles is a generation with no respect for authority. Teachers are having increasing difficulties with classroom control.Students no longer have it ingrained in them to respect their elders, and as a result don’t care what the teacher or the principal say. Because school is no longer a priority to students like this, the drop out rate has increased significantly, with just over half of all dropouts being fatherless (Lykken). In today’s economy, it is next to impossible to find a job without at least a high school diploma, and employers no longer have to put up with any employee who cannot do what they are told, because there is someone who would be happy to take their place who most likely has more experience or education and can do what they are told.To conclude, while equal opportunity is beneficial and has helped to move our society forward, it has also drastically changed the traditional male role. And while some of these changes are good ones, they unfortunately have had negative effects due to people’s ignorance of the possible consequences. For example, it is good that women have been able to pursue their goals and passions in the workforce, and it is good that men are able to help out more at home. However, what is not good is that men have become completely displaced from many of the roles that, to them, define them as men.The way their roles have changed has slowly and subconsciously emasculated and caused them to doubt their importance and purpose in the family unit, which in turn has led to a growing number of fatherless children, increased crime rate, and a lack of respect for any kind of authority. Works Cited Bjorklund, David F, and Anthony D. Pellegrini. â€Å"Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology. † Child Development. 71. 6 (2000): 1687-708. Print. 05 Mar. 2012 Hofferth, Sandra L. â€Å"Residential Father Family Type and Child Well-Being: Investment Versus Selection. † Demography. 43. 1 (2006): 53-77. Print. 03 Mar. 2012. Pompper, Donnalyn. Masculinities, the Metrosexual, and Media Images: Across Dimensions of Age and Ethnicity. † Sex Roles. 63 (2010): 9-10. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Quesenberry, Amanda, Michaelene Ostrosky, and Robert Corso. â€Å"Skilled and Knowledgeable Caregivers: the Role of Fathers in Supporting Young Children's Development. † Young Exceptional Children. 10. 4 (2007): 11-19. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Rohner, Ronald P. â€Å"Father Love and Child Development: History and Current Evidence. † Current Directions in Psychological Science. 7. 5 (1998): 157-161. Pr int. 03 Mar. 2012. Rosin, Hanna. â€Å"The End of Men. † July-Aug. 2010. The Atlantic. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Traditionally the United States, along with the majority of the world has been a patriarchal society. The customary male role, specifically in relation to the home, has been the head of the household, the protector, and the provider. A male’s duty was unquestionably embodied in these three ideas, until the 1970’s. The growing feminist movement of that time began to question and displace these roles as solely belonging to a man, and the male role in society slowly began to shift.Instead of being the sole breadwinner for his home, families with two working parents have become increasingly more common. Women in the workforce have allowed father’s to spend more time at home with their children and helping out around the house. Over the last 50 years the male role has changed drastically, and while not all of the changes that have taken place are bad, the overall effect of these changes on society has been a negative one, creating a generation of fatherlessness, increased crime, and a general lack of respect for authority in any form.For generations it has been a man’s responsibility to provide for his family. Women were rarely even accepted into the workforce until after WWII. However, government encouragement for women to enter the labor force during the war, in combination with the rising feminist movement started a tidal wave movement of women pursuing higher education and careers. Women currently make up the majority of the workforce and 60% of all college graduates (Rosin). Donnalyn Pompper, a professor at Temple University, expands on this further in her article about the masculine gender role conflict theory.She explains that that after WWII, the increased female presence in the labor force â€Å"destabilized the breadwinner role as a basis for male identity, and now men must accept working wives and a more active parental role† (Pompper). And while it is true that the shift to equal opportunity in the workforce is almost universally agreed upon as a positive change, the balance and delicateness of the male psyche and ego are seldom taken into consideration. For many men, the ability to provide for one’s family is an integral part of the definition of masculinity.In interviews conducted by Dr. Pompper, when asked to individually define masculinity, a reoccurring theme in both the younger and older men interviewed was the ability to provide for one’s family. One of the young men interviewed said, â€Å"Being masculine means you are able to look at your wife and say ‘I got this’. To be able to look at your kids and say ‘I’ve got you’. That to me is the epitome of masculinity†¦being able, at the end of the day, to look at your family and say, ‘get on my back, I’ve got you the rest of the way’. Another man expressed similar feelings and said, â€Å"I think that every guy feels like itâ⠂¬â„¢s his place not to be the stay home Dad† (Pompper). Even in today’s forward thinking society, men are wired to be the provider. To take that role completely away is emasculating to him and leaves him feeling like he is unnecessary in the home. Although a family where, either both parents, or just the mother provide financially may be a little tough on the male ego, it is not detrimental. Provider is not the only established male role, protector and ‘head of the house’ are equally important to the equation.The traditional man of the 1960’s was indisputably the head of his home. There was a clear hierarchy, and while the husband and wife still often worked as a team, the culture of the time dictated that a man was undeniably in charge of his home, and his family. In many ways, this has been one of the most distinct changes between the 1960’s and 2012. Because men are no longer the sole breadwinner for their home, they are required to spend a larger portion of their time taking an active role in the home. No longer is the kitchen and house exclusively a woman’s domain, but rather shared by both parties.Men are expected to help out around the house and with the children, as much as women are. The idea of â€Å"team parenting† has evolved and taken root in today’s society, and has had excellent outcomes. Research has shown that children who are raised by two parents (a mother and a father specifically) have greater cognitive ability and success rates than children whose fathers are absent or uninvolved (Hofferth). This style of parents working together as a team to raise their children has been a great strategy, but looking at the big picture, it is shown that â€Å"Team parenting† has also unknowingly created some problems.Studies have shown that a child’s success throughout their life is largely dependent on the structure of their childhood (Hofferth). Given that men’s taking a more proactive role in the home and in the lives of their children is a good thing, the way that it has been approached has been problematic because it has undermined the hierarchy of the home. Similar to a man’s need to be the provider is the need to be the protector of his home. In addition, a man is not the only one who craves a distinctive hierarchy in the home, so do the children. According to Dr. David Bjorklund and Dr.Anthony Pellegrini, children need a clear authority figure. Often times by approaching parenting as a team and as equals, the mother and father undermine each other’s authority (Bjorklund, Pellegrini). Furthermore, without a specific and defined role, the position of father has been diminished as unimportant. For generations men have been noted as head of the house, and hailed for that important position. However, without that distinct role to play, it begins to seem like they’re participation is unnecessary as their wife is obviously much better suited to caring for and developing relationship with a child.These personal misgivings in combination with the media reinforcing the idea that the father role is superfluous, are huge contributors to why more and more fatherlessness is becoming the social epidemic of the generation (Pompper). This is an important issue that needs to be addressed, because Fathers are vital to the family unit. In their article about the role of fathers in children’s development, Amanda Quesenberry M. Ed. , Michaelene M. Ostrosky Ph. D. , and Robert Corso Ph. D. , note â€Å"Fathers are critical members of the family system who influence their children and their families in unique ways† (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso).The article states that even in today’s society, father’s hold a huge amount of influence over society, enough that their presence and involvement is necessary to not only the success of the family as a unit, but also to the individual children. However, since the importance of fathers and fatherhood has not been stressed, and in fact the opposite has been emphasized, approximately one out of every 3 children does not have an active father or father figure in their lives (Hofferth). Acceptance and affection from a father or father figure is vital to a child’s cognitive development, and recent statistics how that behavioral problems among children, adolescents, and young adults with no active father in their lives are far greater than those of children living with both a father and a mother (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso), and also tend to deal with one or more of the following issues: personality and psychological adjustment problems, behavioral problems (including aggression towards people and animals, property destruction, deceitfulness, and theft), delinquency, and psychopathology (substance abuse, depression) (Rohner).The rate of violent crimes have gone up roughly 300% since the 1960’s, and of the juveniles who ha ve been incarcerated for serious crimes 70% of them have been raised with no real father figure. In addition, 70% of all girls who become pregnant were raised without fathers (Lykken). These alarming numbers demonstrate the profound effect a father can have on the development, and therefore future of a child. The final issue that has come out of male’s displacement from his traditional roles is a generation with no respect for authority. Teachers are having increasing difficulties with classroom control.Students no longer have it ingrained in them to respect their elders, and as a result don’t care what the teacher or the principal say. Because school is no longer a priority to students like this, the drop out rate has increased significantly, with just over half of all dropouts being fatherless (Lykken). In today’s economy, it is next to impossible to find a job without at least a high school diploma, and employers no longer have to put up with any employee who cannot do what they are told, because there is someone who would be happy to take their place who most likely has more experience or education and can do what they are told.To conclude, while equal opportunity is beneficial and has helped to move our society forward, it has also drastically changed the traditional male role. And while some of these changes are good ones, they unfortunately have had negative effects due to people’s ignorance of the possible consequences. For example, it is good that women have been able to pursue their goals and passions in the workforce, and it is good that men are able to help out more at home. However, what is not good is that men have become completely displaced from many of the roles that, to them, define them as men.The way their roles have changed has slowly and subconsciously emasculated and caused them to doubt their importance and purpose in the family unit, which in turn has led to a growing number of fatherless children, increased crime rate, and a lack of respect for any kind of authority. Works Cited Bjorklund, David F, and Anthony D. Pellegrini. â€Å"Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology. † Child Development. 71. 6 (2000): 1687-708. Print. 05 Mar. 2012 Hofferth, Sandra L. â€Å"Residential Father Family Type and Child Well-Being: Investment Versus Selection. † Demography. 43. 1 (2006): 53-77. Print. 03 Mar. 2012. Pompper, Donnalyn. Masculinities, the Metrosexual, and Media Images: Across Dimensions of Age and Ethnicity. † Sex Roles. 63 (2010): 9-10. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Quesenberry, Amanda, Michaelene Ostrosky, and Robert Corso. â€Å"Skilled and Knowledgeable Caregivers: the Role of Fathers in Supporting Young Children's Development. † Young Exceptional Children. 10. 4 (2007): 11-19. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Rohner, Ronald P. â€Å"Father Love and Child Development: History and Current Evidence. † Current Directions in Psychological Science. 7. 5 (1998): 157-161. Pr int. 03 Mar. 2012. Rosin, Hanna. â€Å"The End of Men. † July-Aug. 2010. The Atlantic. Web. 03 Mar. 2012.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Oceans and Atmosphere Worksheet Essay

The Oceans 1. What is the composition of seawater? The salinity of seawater ranges from 3.3 to 3.7%. When seawater evaporates it leaves behind sodium chloride, better known as table salt. The other components of seawater are acquired through various methods. One of which is weathering. Chemical weathering of rock releases soluble such as salts of sodium, potassium, and sulfur. 2. What are the three major layers (zones) found in the ocean? Describe each layer briefly. The three layers of the ocean are the surface layer, the thermocline, and the deep zone. The surface layer goes up to 100 meters deep and consists of low density, warm water. In the thermocline temperatures decrease rapidly as it extends to depths of 1500 meters. The deep zone maintains a cold temperature of about -2 degrees Celsius and extends to the ocean floor beyond the thermocline. 3. What is an ocean current? Surface ocean currents are caused by winds. Wind presses on the ocean’s surface and forces the water to move along with it. These currents range from 50 to 100 meters in depth and are contained to the surface layer. Deep ocean currents are caused by several factors including temperature and salinity, which accounts for the water’s density. 4. How do oceans regulate climate? There are several ways in which the oceans regulate the climate. The oceans act as a sink for excess carbon dioxide which helps to regulate the greenhouse effect. Also there is a heat exchange that occurs within the ocean that is extremely important. Water can be heated more efficiently by the sun’s rays rather than land. The sun’s ray’s can penetrate much further into the water. Water has a higher heat capacity than land. Latent heat also plays a role, as water is frozen heat is released and as water in unfrozen heat is absorbed. 5. What causes a change in sea level? The changes in sea level can be contributed to the addition or subtraction of water to the oceans. The additions come from the melting of stored water that come in the form of glaciers and ice caps during times of global warming. Subtraction comes from the removal of water to land based frozen forms during times of global cooling. 6. What causes ocean tides? Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of both the moon and the sun. The moon being closer has a greater effect on tides. Water on the side of Earth closest to the moon bulges toward the moon. There is also a bulge away from the moon on the opposite side of the Earth. 7. What is the relationship between plate tectonics and the ocean floor—seafloor spreading, for example? 8. What are different ways that earth materials are moved around in the oceans? Surf is a powerful force. It causes erosion and moves sediment from one location to another. Currents are another manner in which materials are transported through the ocean system. There is a longshore current and a beach drift responsible for disturbing and transporting materials. 9. What are the different types of shorelines? Describe each type briefly. There is a rocky coast, lowland beach and barrier island, as well as coral reef. A rocky coast describes the most common type of costal area. This is where there are vertical wave cut cliffs and horizontal bench cut cliffs. The erosion undermines the cliffs and sends the resulting debris into the ocean forming rough outcroppings. Beaches are not only the sand areas on land they extend into the sand in the surf zone. During low tide, sands are sometimes blown onto land creating dunes or barrier islands. A coral reef is formed in an area where temperatures exceed 18 degrees Celsius but do not exceed 30. Also they are formed only at or above sea level. Coral is a limestone reef formed by a colony of organisms which secrete calcium carbonate as their skeletal material. 10. Why do waves change as they approach shorelines? A wave changes as it approaches shore due to the fact that a wave exists not only on the surface but also below water. As a wave approaches shore it comes into contact with the shallow sea floor and this begins to distort the loop shape of the water movement. It causes the wave height to increase while the wavelength shortens. Atmosphere 1. What is the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere? Air is what envelopes the Earth. Air is invisible and typically odorless. Air has two highly viable components that are aerosols and water vapor. Aerosols are liquid and solid particles so small that they remain suspended. Water vapor in air is expressed in terms of humidity. When ignoring aerosol and water vapor these gasses, termed dry air, are present and known as nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. There are more gases that make up a very minute portion of the atmosphere but play a vital role known as carbon dioxide, neon, and six others. 2. What are the four major layers of the Earth’s atmosphere? Describe each layer briefly. There is the Troposphere, the Stratosphere, the Mesosphere, and the Thermosphere. The Troposphere contains 80% of all actual mass of the atmosphere. It is also the layer where all weather phenomenon take place. Most all heat absorbing gases reside here. The Stratosphere contains 19% of all atmospheres mass. The Mesosphere and Thermosphere together contain only 1% of the atmospheric mass. The thermosphere absorbs short ultraviolet wavelengths. The Mesosphere absorbs medium wavelengths. The Stratosphere absorbs long wavelengths. 3. What is the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is how the Earth’s surface is heated. Greenhouse gasses such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane absorb some of the outgoing infrared terrestrial radiation and prevent it from escaping. 4. How would you describe the ozone layer? Why is the ozone layer important? The ozone layer is a protective area in the outer three layers of the  atmosphere that protect the earth from harmful radiation by blocking particular wavelengths. 5. What is the relationship among the Earth’s atmosphere, the sun, and the rotation of the Earth? The sun heats the Earth’s atmosphere and makes it a habitable planet. The earth is a sphere so the sun cannot warm every place on earth at once. This issue is solved by the earth’s rotation and its rotation around the Sun. 6. What is the Coriolis effect? The Coriolis effect causes anything that moves freely with respect to the rotating earth to veer off a straight path. This can be demonstrated through long range missile launches that have been known to land far from their intended targets due to the earth’s rotation. 7. How would you define climate? Climate is an average of weather patterns over a long period of time, generally on a regional or global scale. 8. How does the atmosphere regulate climate? Atmosphere regulates climate through weather patterns created through the greenhouse effect. This process creates heat within water vapors and other gasses that are the main contributing factors in weather. Also the filtration of wavelengths by the upper atmospheres keeps the earth’s climate at a more even temperature. 9. What are the six global climate zones? What are the main climate effects on people and the environment? The six climate zones are tropical, dry, temperate-humid, cold-humid, polar, and highland. Each zone is driven by solar energy which drives temperature, seasonality, precipitation which in turn fosters vegetation, . These factors make a zone habitable or non habitable. 10. How do the oceans and the atmosphere interact? The oceans provide a great deal of moisture for the atmosphere. This moisture is a main component in heat exchange which leads to weather patterns. Water is in constant motion and plays a vital roles in the regulation of the atmosphere.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Age Of Unimagined Levels Of Violence Education Essay

Education for peace is instruction for life, and non simply developing for a support. Equiping persons with the values, accomplishments, and attitudes they need to be wholesome individuals who live in harmoniousness with others and as responsible citizens is the end of the instruction for peace. It is really necessary in a state like India as the state is full of diverseness whether it is faith, linguistic communication, rites, traditions, imposts. And there are incidents with in the state when the struggles between different spiritual communities or linguistic communications communities had arisen and took the signifier of force. Violence is an easy arm to respond to the jobs and today ‘s young person is going more and more familiar or used to of this â€Å" unwanted arm † . Children get all these values and attitudes from their experiences which they gained in the school or at place. So, there is an pressing demand for the instruction for peace so that the citizens of tomorrow can be empowered to take the manner of peace. Necessary accomplishments, values and attitudes required for the peace demand to be developed and inculcated in kids if we want to hold a safe and progressing hereafter for all of us. Policy Enterprises: The credence of instruction for peace as a necessary ingredient of holistic instruction was due to the rise and spread of force. Decade of 2000-2010 was declared as the international decennary for publicity of a civilization of peace and non-violence by the UNESCO. But Indian instruction committees have ever recommended instruction for peace in many signifiers, but these recommendations are non being applied even today. The study of the Secondary Education Commission ( 1952-53 ) stated that â€Å" the supreme terminal of the educative procedure should be the preparation of the character and personality of pupils in such a manner that they will be able to recognize their full potencies and contribute to the wellbeing of the community † . The Kothari instruction Commission ( 1964-66 ) put the limelight on the instruction and national development and said that â€Å" absence of proviso for instruction in societal, moral and religious values is a serious defect in the course of s tudy † . The National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) advocated turning instruction into â€Å" a forceful tool for the cultivation of societal and moral values † . The programme of Action ( 1992 ) tried to incorporate the assorted constituents of value instruction into the course of study at the all phases of school instruction. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) recommended that instruction in true sense should authorise persons to clear up their values ; to enable them to take witting and calculated determinations, taking into awareness the effects of their actions ; to take the manner of peace instead than force. Therefore, our instruction system has ever followed instruction for peace but these enterprises remained mostly on the paper even today due to assorted grounds like deficiency of proper preparation of instructors in their function as peace builders ; course of study burden ; absence of right attitudes and patterns in the school ; improper pedagogical and rating patterns ; violent societal ambiance etc. Land Worlds: Needs and desires are the steering motive for worlds. If our demands are non fulfilled, so we are in a province of struggle which can non take to peaceable ways of life and on the other manus desires are ever limitless and therefore they besides lead to some signifier of force ( like aggression ) if unfulfilled. A celebrated psychologist Abraham Maslow ( 1968 ) identified human demands and stated that human demands move in a hierarchy ( fig. 1 ) . If the demands of one bed are non satisfied so the demands of other bed can non be fulfilled and fulfilment of these demands is necessary for set uping peace because instability in these demands can do struggles and aggression in worlds and these are the first grounds of force. In India, many people are still non able to carry through even their basic demands and offense, force, aggression, struggles, depressions ; self-destructions are consequence of it. So, in this scenario, instruction for peace becomes truly of import for all of us so t hat struggles and jobs can be resolved in peaceable ways. We are societal animate beings, non self-contained islands. Autonomy, as Gandhi Jemaah Islamiyah pointed out, must non be mistaken for autonomy. We need each other. Mutuality is the human face of autonomy. How we respond and relate to others is a important component in our personalities. If this be the instance, instruction demands to foster in pupils the values and accomplishments that enable them to populate in harmoniousness with others. Jacques Delors ( 1996 ) identifies â€Å" populating together in harmoniousness † as one of the four pillars of instruction. The current pattern of instruction is unequal to advance the art of life together in harmoniousness. Students are nurtured in a spirit of competition and trained, from the beginning, to associate to facts and objects. Learning takes topographic point in a background isolated from the universe of relationships and worlds. Learning of this sort comprises, as Charles Dickens ( 2003 ) lamented in Hard Times, â€Å" facts , facts and nil but facts † . Today ‘s society is based on the thought of net income and competition and these two things are easy reflected in our present educational system where classs and Markss matter more than anything else. Present instruction turns kids into intellectual machines that maestro facts and are mastered by them. Our instruction leaves the kids deficient in emotional and relational accomplishments. As a consequence, the more â€Å" achievement-oriented † a individual is less able he tends to be associating to people, even beloved 1s, sensitively, in return and responsibly. The disaffection between caput and bosom is the by-product of the current theoretical account of instruction. Religion in force as a quick-fix job convergent thinker is an emerging moving ridge. This force can be seeable in the signifier of physical penalty or unseeable in the signifier of competition or craving for accomplishment. Agenda-wars in workplaces, gender-wars in places, propaganda wars in the public infinite, force is everyplace in one or the other signifier. We have got accustomed of force in many signifiers but fact is that we do n’t even acknowledge this and kids observe all these things and larn to follow their seniors. Peace begins with the person and spreads to the household, to the community, to the state and to the planetary small town. Education for Peace: We should guarantee that the instruction we impart is favourable to the well-being and integrity of India. Peace is a premier demand for advancement and national integrating. Implementing instruction for peace is non merely an appropriate scheme for struggle declaration and struggle turning away, but besides a practical plus in recognizing â€Å" the India of our dreams † . Every society in every age has acknowledged peace as a baronial and necessary ideal. Education for peace can do larning a joyful and meaningful experience if implemented with energy and vision. In today ‘s universe, haste and worry sour the joy of acquisition and challenge acquisition and harmoniousness of life. Values acquire lost in this ambiance of competition. Valuess are internalized through experience, which is unhappily missing in the schoolroom centered and entirely cognitive attack to learning. Education for peace calls for the freedom of larning from the boundaries of the schoolroom and its transmutation into a jubilation of consciousness enlivened with the delectation of find. Education for peace contextualizes larning. We live in an age of unprecedented force: locally, nationally and globally. It is a serious affair that schools, which are meant to be the baby’s rooms of peace, go transmittal points for force. Education for peace seeks to foster the cognition, accomplishments, attitudes and values that comprise a civilization of peace. Educat ion for peace is holistic. Education for peace has a double intent: ( a ) to authorise persons to take the way of peace instead than the way of force ; ( B ) to enabling them to be conciliators instead than consumers of peace. An attack to Education for Peace: The peace chances hidden in the course of study are maximized when the school ambiance is inspired with the values and attitudes of peace. Teacher-student interactions, lesson designs in text editions, the pedagogic attack and the entire life of school must all be oriented towards peace. The pedagogic scheme for instruction for peace is that of integrating. The incorporate attack has an border over the â€Å" separate capable attack † . Constructivist psychological science has established that kids construct cognition holistically. When cognition is rooted in suited contexts, it becomes more meaningful and gratifying for the scholar. In the incorporate attack, the lessons and subjects become the vehicles to convey peace messages in meaningful contexts. This attack non merely makes the capable affair wholesome and situated but besides motivates pupils to larn and to associate what they learn to their ain scenes. It provides contexts and connexions to research, believe, reflect, and internalise positive temperaments. Therefore, every instructor becomes a peace pedagogue. Teacher-student interactions, text edition lessons and the teaching method for learning them, and the school direction and administrative staff must all be oriented to education for peace. ROLE OF TEACHERS IN EDUCATION FOR PEACE: For pupils, instructors are role-models. Therefore, instructors play a function, unconsciously, in propagating force if they are non oriented to peace. As the expression goes, â€Å" What I teach is what I know and what I educate is what I am. † A instructor ‘s premier duty is to assist pupils go good human existences, motivated to carry through their true potency non merely for their ain benefit but besides for the improvement of the society as a whole. It is for this ground that a instructor is compared to a nurseryman who workss seeds of cognition and good values, Waterss them with attention and kindness, and removes weeds of ignorance. Good instructors are theoretical accounts of peace values, such as, the art of hearing, the humbleness to admit and rectify one ‘s errors, presuming duty for one ‘s actions, sharing concerns, and assisting each other to work out jobs exceeding differences, even if they do non recommend peace. A instructor who imposes â€Å" subject † in the schoolroom merely by endangering kids with blows and smacks is a role-model for force as the lone problem-solving scheme. The instructor ‘s function in making a positive clime in the schoolroom is of critical importance. It is his/ her attitudes, values, and relationships that determine the nature of the schoolroom clime. A instructor who, from a peace position, can critically measure his/her attitudes, accustomed manners of thought, and attack to teaching-what one Teachs and what are the carry-over values of what is taught and how it is taught-is an plus for instruction for peace. â€Å" Teachers are mirror of approaching coevalss in the signifier of pupils and an effectual component of set uping peaceable ambiance † . The function of instructors towards a kid ‘s instruction is to make a lovingness environment in the schoolroom. Teachers who listen to what the pupils have to state and develop a course of study that is meaningful to the kids have the most successful pupils. Teachers with a concern for the demands of the pupils and a child-centered doctrine have concerted pupils who look frontward to larning. Children close their ears to advice and open their eyes to illustration. This is particularly true in the Indian context where instructors are respected as the beginning of cognition and wisdom. Students will larn peace values merely if these are modeled by their instructors and seniors. If there is a mismatch between what grownups do and what they say, pupils will copy what is done. Teachers need to be cognizant of the consequence of their behavior on pupils. For illustration, alternatively of cheering pupils to â€Å" care for others † , it is more effectual to pattern this value and allow pupils build their ain apprehension of it. Pedagogical Schemes: The common pedagogic end for instructors is syllabus and scrutiny oriented. In peace-oriented teaching method, the focal point is non simply on keeping of constructs, memorisation of texts, or accomplishing single ends and excellence but on larning to reflect, portion, attention, and collaborate with each other. Every topic/lesson has peace- concealed constituents, which need to be communicated with purposeful be aftering from a positive and humanistic position. The methods of instruction should be originative, child-centered, largely experiential, and participatory. There is ample range in the course of study of assorted capable countries for learning pupils the importance of following peaceable agencies of deciding dissensions and struggles and avoiding force ; and instructors need to take full advantage of this. Teaching should excite positive feelings and surrogate positive experiences, aid in geting at an apprehension of the ego, promote openness to inquiry by raising inquiries, researching, and detecting and building an apprehension of values, and supply an chance for using the cognition of values the pupil has learnt. Schemes like inquiries, narratives, anecdotes, games, experiments, treatments, duologues, value elucidation, illustrations, analogies, metaphors, role-play, and simulation are helpful in advancing peace through teaching-learning. In all of this, what stands out is the important function that the instructor plays in an attack to education that promotes a civilization of peace. The fact that larning has to needfully be pupil-oriented does non belie this. Learning can be pupil-oriented merely if the instructor facilitates it. For instruction for peace, a great trade depends on the peace-motivation of instructors, particularly in the incorporate attack. The instructor has to be watchful to peace chances and originative in allowing them in regard of the course of study as a whole. Challenges in forepart of instruction for peace: Education for peace brushs many jobs when integrated with in the instruction larning procedure. Curriculum burden is one of them. Curriculum burden has serious practical deductions for implementing instruction for peace. Completion of course of study Acts of the Apostless as the terminal merchandise itself and the intent of instruction get lost in this â€Å" race † . Second, rating patterns encourage competition and everyone wants to larn merely for first-class classs and Markss because these Markss make them eligible for higher paid and reputed employment chances. Third, teacher instruction does non fit the scholars with invention and imaginativeness and they were non even sensitized about their function as peace builders. Fourth day-to-day patterns of school do non reflect peace. Discrimination and unfairness are the signifier of force and schools are still perpetuating the favoritism which is based on gender and caste. Fifth the media is permeant presence today and kids ob serve and follow a batch from the ocular media. Most of the reactions of the young person today are greatly inspired by the movies. Sixth, societal force per unit area and competition to travel in front from others excessively challenge instruction for peace as everyone wants a speedy solution. Peoples do n’t hold faith in peaceable methods. Decision: Therefore, instruction for peace is the necessity of today and schools should incorporate aspirations to peace and related values and accomplishments. It should be compulsory to guarantee that schools are free from prejudiced attitudes and patterns based on caste and gender. School instruction involves the formative old ages in a individual ‘s life, so child centered, integrated and constructivist pedagogical and appraising schemes should be adopted so that kids can research, inquire and larn to be the builders of cognition every bit good as of the peace. Teacher instruction demands to be transformed harmonizing to the demands and aspirations of present times because instructors can be societal therapists. Teachers must be equipped with the constructivist and incorporate attacks of the teaching-learning procedure. Education for peace demands to be seen as an endeavor for mending and regenerating the state as it can trip the holistic vision for instruction. In Indian context, in struction for peace is every bit responsible for the riddance of all signifiers of favoritism and inequality whether it is based on gender, caste or economical footing. Education for peace must be understood as the instruction for life every bit good as for the bright, progressive and peaceable hereafter. REFRENCES: Delors, J. ( 1996 ) . Learning the Treasure within: Report of International Commission on Education for the twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO. Dewey, J. ( 1916 ) . Democracy and Education, London: The Free Press. Government of India ( 1953 ) . Report of the Secondary Education Commission, ( 1952-53 ) . New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India ( 1966 ) . Report of the Education Commission 1964-66 on â€Å" Education and National Development † . New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India. ( 1986 ) . Report of the National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) . New Delhi, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. Government of India ( 1993 ) . Learning without Burden. New Delhi: Ministry of Human Resources Development ( MHRD ) , Department of Education, Government of India. Maslow, A. H. ( 1968 ) . Towards a Psychology of Being, 2e. New York: Van Nostrand Reinholf. National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) ( 2000 ) . National Curriculum Framework for School Education. New Delhi: NCERT. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) : New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training. Piaget, J. ( 1973 ) : To understand is to contrive ; New York: Grossman. UNESCO ( 2001 ) . Learning the Way of Peace. A Teachers ‘ Guide to Education for Peace. New Delhi: UNESCO. Woolfolk, A. ( 2007 ) : Educational Psychology ( 10th Edition ) ; Canada: Pearson Publishers. Age Of Unimagined Levels Of Violence Education Essay Education for peace is instruction for life, and non simply developing for a support. Equiping persons with the values, accomplishments, and attitudes they need to be wholesome individuals who live in harmoniousness with others and as responsible citizens is the end of the instruction for peace. It is really necessary in a state like India as the state is full of diverseness whether it is faith, linguistic communication, rites, traditions, imposts. And there are incidents with in the state when the struggles between different spiritual communities or linguistic communications communities had arisen and took the signifier of force. Violence is an easy arm to respond to the jobs and today ‘s young person is going more and more familiar or used to of this â€Å" unwanted arm † . Children get all these values and attitudes from their experiences which they gained in the school or at place. So, there is an pressing demand for the instruction for peace so that the citizens of tomorrow can be empowered to take the manner of peace. Necessary accomplishments, values and attitudes required for the peace demand to be developed and inculcated in kids if we want to hold a safe and progressing hereafter for all of us. Policy Enterprises: The credence of instruction for peace as a necessary ingredient of holistic instruction was due to the rise and spread of force. Decade of 2000-2010 was declared as the international decennary for publicity of a civilization of peace and non-violence by the UNESCO. But Indian instruction committees have ever recommended instruction for peace in many signifiers, but these recommendations are non being applied even today. The study of the Secondary Education Commission ( 1952-53 ) stated that â€Å" the supreme terminal of the educative procedure should be the preparation of the character and personality of pupils in such a manner that they will be able to recognize their full potencies and contribute to the wellbeing of the community † . The Kothari instruction Commission ( 1964-66 ) put the limelight on the instruction and national development and said that â€Å" absence of proviso for instruction in societal, moral and religious values is a serious defect in the course of s tudy † . The National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) advocated turning instruction into â€Å" a forceful tool for the cultivation of societal and moral values † . The programme of Action ( 1992 ) tried to incorporate the assorted constituents of value instruction into the course of study at the all phases of school instruction. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) recommended that instruction in true sense should authorise persons to clear up their values ; to enable them to take witting and calculated determinations, taking into awareness the effects of their actions ; to take the manner of peace instead than force. Therefore, our instruction system has ever followed instruction for peace but these enterprises remained mostly on the paper even today due to assorted grounds like deficiency of proper preparation of instructors in their function as peace builders ; course of study burden ; absence of right attitudes and patterns in the school ; improper pedagogical and rating patterns ; violent societal ambiance etc. Land Worlds: Needs and desires are the steering motive for worlds. If our demands are non fulfilled, so we are in a province of struggle which can non take to peaceable ways of life and on the other manus desires are ever limitless and therefore they besides lead to some signifier of force ( like aggression ) if unfulfilled. A celebrated psychologist Abraham Maslow ( 1968 ) identified human demands and stated that human demands move in a hierarchy ( fig. 1 ) . If the demands of one bed are non satisfied so the demands of other bed can non be fulfilled and fulfilment of these demands is necessary for set uping peace because instability in these demands can do struggles and aggression in worlds and these are the first grounds of force. In India, many people are still non able to carry through even their basic demands and offense, force, aggression, struggles, depressions ; self-destructions are consequence of it. So, in this scenario, instruction for peace becomes truly of import for all of us so t hat struggles and jobs can be resolved in peaceable ways. We are societal animate beings, non self-contained islands. Autonomy, as Gandhi Jemaah Islamiyah pointed out, must non be mistaken for autonomy. We need each other. Mutuality is the human face of autonomy. How we respond and relate to others is a important component in our personalities. If this be the instance, instruction demands to foster in pupils the values and accomplishments that enable them to populate in harmoniousness with others. Jacques Delors ( 1996 ) identifies â€Å" populating together in harmoniousness † as one of the four pillars of instruction. The current pattern of instruction is unequal to advance the art of life together in harmoniousness. Students are nurtured in a spirit of competition and trained, from the beginning, to associate to facts and objects. Learning takes topographic point in a background isolated from the universe of relationships and worlds. Learning of this sort comprises, as Charles Dickens ( 2003 ) lamented in Hard Times, â€Å" facts , facts and nil but facts † . Today ‘s society is based on the thought of net income and competition and these two things are easy reflected in our present educational system where classs and Markss matter more than anything else. Present instruction turns kids into intellectual machines that maestro facts and are mastered by them. Our instruction leaves the kids deficient in emotional and relational accomplishments. As a consequence, the more â€Å" achievement-oriented † a individual is less able he tends to be associating to people, even beloved 1s, sensitively, in return and responsibly. The disaffection between caput and bosom is the by-product of the current theoretical account of instruction. Religion in force as a quick-fix job convergent thinker is an emerging moving ridge. This force can be seeable in the signifier of physical penalty or unseeable in the signifier of competition or craving for accomplishment. Agenda-wars in workplaces, gender-wars in places, propaganda wars in the public infinite, force is everyplace in one or the other signifier. We have got accustomed of force in many signifiers but fact is that we do n’t even acknowledge this and kids observe all these things and larn to follow their seniors. Peace begins with the person and spreads to the household, to the community, to the state and to the planetary small town. Education for Peace: We should guarantee that the instruction we impart is favourable to the well-being and integrity of India. Peace is a premier demand for advancement and national integrating. Implementing instruction for peace is non merely an appropriate scheme for struggle declaration and struggle turning away, but besides a practical plus in recognizing â€Å" the India of our dreams † . Every society in every age has acknowledged peace as a baronial and necessary ideal. Education for peace can do larning a joyful and meaningful experience if implemented with energy and vision. In today ‘s universe, haste and worry sour the joy of acquisition and challenge acquisition and harmoniousness of life. Values acquire lost in this ambiance of competition. Valuess are internalized through experience, which is unhappily missing in the schoolroom centered and entirely cognitive attack to learning. Education for peace calls for the freedom of larning from the boundaries of the schoolroom and its transmutation into a jubilation of consciousness enlivened with the delectation of find. Education for peace contextualizes larning. We live in an age of unprecedented force: locally, nationally and globally. It is a serious affair that schools, which are meant to be the baby’s rooms of peace, go transmittal points for force. Education for peace seeks to foster the cognition, accomplishments, attitudes and values that comprise a civilization of peace. Educat ion for peace is holistic. Education for peace has a double intent: ( a ) to authorise persons to take the way of peace instead than the way of force ; ( B ) to enabling them to be conciliators instead than consumers of peace. An attack to Education for Peace: The peace chances hidden in the course of study are maximized when the school ambiance is inspired with the values and attitudes of peace. Teacher-student interactions, lesson designs in text editions, the pedagogic attack and the entire life of school must all be oriented towards peace. The pedagogic scheme for instruction for peace is that of integrating. The incorporate attack has an border over the â€Å" separate capable attack † . Constructivist psychological science has established that kids construct cognition holistically. When cognition is rooted in suited contexts, it becomes more meaningful and gratifying for the scholar. In the incorporate attack, the lessons and subjects become the vehicles to convey peace messages in meaningful contexts. This attack non merely makes the capable affair wholesome and situated but besides motivates pupils to larn and to associate what they learn to their ain scenes. It provides contexts and connexions to research, believe, reflect, and internalise positive temperaments. Therefore, every instructor becomes a peace pedagogue. Teacher-student interactions, text edition lessons and the teaching method for learning them, and the school direction and administrative staff must all be oriented to education for peace. ROLE OF TEACHERS IN EDUCATION FOR PEACE: For pupils, instructors are role-models. Therefore, instructors play a function, unconsciously, in propagating force if they are non oriented to peace. As the expression goes, â€Å" What I teach is what I know and what I educate is what I am. † A instructor ‘s premier duty is to assist pupils go good human existences, motivated to carry through their true potency non merely for their ain benefit but besides for the improvement of the society as a whole. It is for this ground that a instructor is compared to a nurseryman who workss seeds of cognition and good values, Waterss them with attention and kindness, and removes weeds of ignorance. Good instructors are theoretical accounts of peace values, such as, the art of hearing, the humbleness to admit and rectify one ‘s errors, presuming duty for one ‘s actions, sharing concerns, and assisting each other to work out jobs exceeding differences, even if they do non recommend peace. A instructor who imposes â€Å" subject † in the schoolroom merely by endangering kids with blows and smacks is a role-model for force as the lone problem-solving scheme. The instructor ‘s function in making a positive clime in the schoolroom is of critical importance. It is his/ her attitudes, values, and relationships that determine the nature of the schoolroom clime. A instructor who, from a peace position, can critically measure his/her attitudes, accustomed manners of thought, and attack to teaching-what one Teachs and what are the carry-over values of what is taught and how it is taught-is an plus for instruction for peace. â€Å" Teachers are mirror of approaching coevalss in the signifier of pupils and an effectual component of set uping peaceable ambiance † . The function of instructors towards a kid ‘s instruction is to make a lovingness environment in the schoolroom. Teachers who listen to what the pupils have to state and develop a course of study that is meaningful to the kids have the most successful pupils. Teachers with a concern for the demands of the pupils and a child-centered doctrine have concerted pupils who look frontward to larning. Children close their ears to advice and open their eyes to illustration. This is particularly true in the Indian context where instructors are respected as the beginning of cognition and wisdom. Students will larn peace values merely if these are modeled by their instructors and seniors. If there is a mismatch between what grownups do and what they say, pupils will copy what is done. Teachers need to be cognizant of the consequence of their behavior on pupils. For illustration, alternatively of cheering pupils to â€Å" care for others † , it is more effectual to pattern this value and allow pupils build their ain apprehension of it. Pedagogical Schemes: The common pedagogic end for instructors is syllabus and scrutiny oriented. In peace-oriented teaching method, the focal point is non simply on keeping of constructs, memorisation of texts, or accomplishing single ends and excellence but on larning to reflect, portion, attention, and collaborate with each other. Every topic/lesson has peace- concealed constituents, which need to be communicated with purposeful be aftering from a positive and humanistic position. The methods of instruction should be originative, child-centered, largely experiential, and participatory. There is ample range in the course of study of assorted capable countries for learning pupils the importance of following peaceable agencies of deciding dissensions and struggles and avoiding force ; and instructors need to take full advantage of this. Teaching should excite positive feelings and surrogate positive experiences, aid in geting at an apprehension of the ego, promote openness to inquiry by raising inquiries, researching, and detecting and building an apprehension of values, and supply an chance for using the cognition of values the pupil has learnt. Schemes like inquiries, narratives, anecdotes, games, experiments, treatments, duologues, value elucidation, illustrations, analogies, metaphors, role-play, and simulation are helpful in advancing peace through teaching-learning. In all of this, what stands out is the important function that the instructor plays in an attack to education that promotes a civilization of peace. The fact that larning has to needfully be pupil-oriented does non belie this. Learning can be pupil-oriented merely if the instructor facilitates it. For instruction for peace, a great trade depends on the peace-motivation of instructors, particularly in the incorporate attack. The instructor has to be watchful to peace chances and originative in allowing them in regard of the course of study as a whole. Challenges in forepart of instruction for peace: Education for peace brushs many jobs when integrated with in the instruction larning procedure. Curriculum burden is one of them. Curriculum burden has serious practical deductions for implementing instruction for peace. Completion of course of study Acts of the Apostless as the terminal merchandise itself and the intent of instruction get lost in this â€Å" race † . Second, rating patterns encourage competition and everyone wants to larn merely for first-class classs and Markss because these Markss make them eligible for higher paid and reputed employment chances. Third, teacher instruction does non fit the scholars with invention and imaginativeness and they were non even sensitized about their function as peace builders. Fourth day-to-day patterns of school do non reflect peace. Discrimination and unfairness are the signifier of force and schools are still perpetuating the favoritism which is based on gender and caste. Fifth the media is permeant presence today and kids ob serve and follow a batch from the ocular media. Most of the reactions of the young person today are greatly inspired by the movies. Sixth, societal force per unit area and competition to travel in front from others excessively challenge instruction for peace as everyone wants a speedy solution. Peoples do n’t hold faith in peaceable methods. Decision: Therefore, instruction for peace is the necessity of today and schools should incorporate aspirations to peace and related values and accomplishments. It should be compulsory to guarantee that schools are free from prejudiced attitudes and patterns based on caste and gender. School instruction involves the formative old ages in a individual ‘s life, so child centered, integrated and constructivist pedagogical and appraising schemes should be adopted so that kids can research, inquire and larn to be the builders of cognition every bit good as of the peace. Teacher instruction demands to be transformed harmonizing to the demands and aspirations of present times because instructors can be societal therapists. Teachers must be equipped with the constructivist and incorporate attacks of the teaching-learning procedure. Education for peace demands to be seen as an endeavor for mending and regenerating the state as it can trip the holistic vision for instruction. In Indian context, in struction for peace is every bit responsible for the riddance of all signifiers of favoritism and inequality whether it is based on gender, caste or economical footing. Education for peace must be understood as the instruction for life every bit good as for the bright, progressive and peaceable hereafter. REFRENCES: Delors, J. ( 1996 ) . Learning the Treasure within: Report of International Commission on Education for the twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO. Dewey, J. ( 1916 ) . Democracy and Education, London: The Free Press. Government of India ( 1953 ) . Report of the Secondary Education Commission, ( 1952-53 ) . New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India ( 1966 ) . Report of the Education Commission 1964-66 on â€Å" Education and National Development † . New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India. ( 1986 ) . Report of the National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) . New Delhi, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. Government of India ( 1993 ) . Learning without Burden. New Delhi: Ministry of Human Resources Development ( MHRD ) , Department of Education, Government of India. Maslow, A. H. ( 1968 ) . Towards a Psychology of Being, 2e. New York: Van Nostrand Reinholf. National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) ( 2000 ) . National Curriculum Framework for School Education. New Delhi: NCERT. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) : New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training. Piaget, J. ( 1973 ) : To understand is to contrive ; New York: Grossman. UNESCO ( 2001 ) . Learning the Way of Peace. A Teachers ‘ Guide to Education for Peace. New Delhi: UNESCO. Woolfolk, A. ( 2007 ) : Educational Psychology ( 10th Edition ) ; Canada: Pearson Publishers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Haitian revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Haitian revolution - Research Paper Example The population at that time consisted of whites, mixed race, and blacks. Since Haiti was under the control of the French government, it took all the profits from the farms. The Haitian revolution rose in 1791, at this time, the slaves wanted to become free citizens. The entire population in Haiti desired change at the time (Ott 15). Oppression by their colonizers was becoming unbearable. In addition, they needed to have their rights. At about the same time, the French government was undergoing the French revolution that gave Haitians the inspiration to fight for their rights. The French revolution involved a rebellion of the locals who wanted an end to the oppressive monarchy system (Bryan 41). They demanded their rights as citizens. The population of Haiti in the colonial era consisted of distinct classes of people. There were French white divided into two classes. Some were planters and therefore very rich. These owned plantations in Haiti and were masters to some slaves (Geggus 23). Other whites were middle class and were majorly artisans and shopkeepers. These were the petit Blancs. A different group resulted from the intermarriage between the whites and the blacks and these were the free colored individuals. This group owned slaves and discriminated them more. They were full of prejudice against the pure blacks, associated themselves with the whites, and were the mulattos. Some of them were wealthier as they could own farms. Either they earned their freedom or their fathers granted it out of mercy. They supported slavery strongly and contributed to the highest mistreatment of slaves. The other population comprised of the slaves. There were two classes of slaves namely; domestic and field slaves. The field s laves experienced the worst treatment and were the first ones to rebel. The domestic slaves were not harshly treated and therefore not too ready to fight for their rights. Other slaves could not hold onto slavery any longer and therefore escaped.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Financial n accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial n accounting - Essay Example In past, these systems include manual processes but now due to technology advancement the accounting information system changed into Computerized Accounting Information System. Improvement in technology have replaced manual accounting system with computerizes ones. As computers become faster, less expensive, and easier to use; all organizations are using computers in their day to day business. With the help of computers, companies can now capture, process, store, and transmit data. It controls the topics which are related to organization’s economic- financial area. It helps in decision-making process, performance evaluation, facilitating company’s transaction and in internal controls through computerized accounting information system. It combines concepts and accounting principles to record, process, analyse the financial information and then produce it to its end users for the purpose of making economic decisions. Firm’s performance can be improved, through oper ational efficiency and increased profitability (Fowzia and Nasrin, 2011, p.1). Software tools in the Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) Accounting software This software consists of basic accounting functions like input, processing and output. There are two types of accounting software i.e. low-end software and high-end software. Personal computer based accounting system enable companies to provide better and timely information. Income tax Currently tax preparation software is available for companies. So, even in a short period of time complex calculations can be done. Audit Trial balance software helps auditors to handle different types of adjusting entries, to input the working trial balance and mechanically compute the adjusted trial balance. Word processing Word processing software is used by the accountants to prepare reports, memos, billings and financial statement. Graphics software It is used by the managerial accountants and auditors to graph the data in repo rts and financial statements. Image processing It captures electronic image of data so that it can be stored and shared. Accountants can process all the electronically by just scanning the paper documents in computer. Electronic data interchange A company can exchange documents electronically with other company with the help of electronic data interchange. Electronic funds transfer It enables companies to make collections and payment electronically. So, if companies are in a view to pay for accounts payable to a supplier, it can do it with the help of electronic fund transfer. Purpose of Computerized Accounting Information System Computerized accounting information system (CAIS) can be single programs or even part of a larger system like enterprise resource planning. The purpose of the system is to reduce manual steps in accounting process and offer automated activities in order to improve reporting. Every function plays a minor part in accounting information system. Individual func tions include accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, payroll, general accounting and cash management. CAIS often have modules that enable accountants to handle financial information related to their accounting tasks. Use of CAIS in the functioning of Organization CAIS saves time, reduce errors and eliminate waste by adopting

Monday, August 26, 2019

Robinhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Robinhood - Essay Example 2. Weaknesses: One of the notable weaknesses of this case is the type of associates Robin Hood has allowed into his organization. While he began allowing only men with a strong sense of justice and legitimate grievance with the sheriff into the organization, he veered from this policy. Believing that there was strength in numbers, he has allowed any individual to join; in these regards, it’s highly likely that a number of individuals in his organization are of questionable moral character and are more detrimental to the organization than beneficial. 3. Opportunities: There are a number of opportunities that Robin Hood and his organization have. The first of which is the control they have over the forest and its use as a route of transport. This has given Robin Hood and his men the ability to reap considerable property from theft and could potentially be utilized as a means of collecting consistent taxes from travelers. Another opportunity is the motivated nature of Robin Hood’s followers; many having legitimate grievances against the sheriff they will be more dedicated and willing to go to extremes to see that they succeed and the sheriff fails. Finally, the barons’ growing resentment with Prince John and their attempt to conspire with Robin Hood is a solid opportunity. 4. Threats: The threats include the growing size of Robin Hood’s organization and the increasing difficulty in supplying the large number of these individuals with supplies. Another threat includes that of the potential of alienating the farmers that travel through the forest by charging them a tax. Finally, the last threat includes that of the potential that in conspiring against Prince John could result in failure and then cause greater amounts of retribution to be levied against Robin Hood and his band of men. There are a number of major issues that Robin must address. The first issue concerns whether

Infrastructure in cities of Saudi Arabia, Research Proposal

Infrastructure in cities of Saudi Arabia, - Research Proposal Example Estimate the time and cost required to enforce the strategy thus identified. Literature Review: Resilience is defined as a system’s ability to maintain its function while absorbing shocks (McDaniel et al, 2008, p. 310). Functionality of the systems of infrastructure including electric power, transportation networks and sewage system means a lot to the urban society (Chang , 2009a, p. 1). The present condition of infrastructure across the world is such that 20 per cent of the present population of the world does not have clean water (Kinver, 2006 cited in Milman and Short, 2008, p. 760). Damage to infrastructure causes great losses to the region. In 1994, the Northridge highway that was damaged by earthquake caused a net loss of regional business worth $ 1.5 billion (Chang, 2009c). For long, it has been tried to design the infrastructure that could resist extreme forces. But since a couple of decades, engineers have started to make the systems of urban infrastructure resilient to natural disasters (NIST, 2008 cited in Chang, 2009b, p. 36). For natural hazards of extreme severity, it becomes extremely difficult for the structures to resist, though with correct design, resistance of the structures can be significantly increased (Minor, 2000, p. 5).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The dumbest generation by Mark Bauerlein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The dumbest generation by Mark Bauerlein - Essay Example Throughout his book, Bauerlein concentrates on how the digital era has displaced the common and normal human life, impacting young Americans. The author compares his time period to the current generation (under thirty years of age) in terms of education and their mode of communication. After discovering the many transformations that have taken place, the author refutes technological advancements claiming that they have done more harm than good to the young generation. In chapter one, knowledge deficits, the author embarks on statistical data generated from surveys to explain how the youth are performing poorly in all aspects of life. After comparing the 2005 and 1995 test scores, the author claims that the American youth performed poorly in 2005 because of their over reliance on information technology instead of concentrating on books (Bauerlein 10). The author, however, does not recognize the role of parents, teachers and the community in education because they too contribute to aca demic performance. He does not appreciate the fact that young people are getting more information from the internet as opposed to what teachers and books can offer. In chapter two, the new bibliophobes, Bauerlein disagrees with idea of the youth retrieving information from the internet instead of reading books. He believes that it only books, which have relevant and reliable information for the young people. He considers their over reliance on media gadgets as waste of time. This is not true because the internet helps young people to learn more.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

USPS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

USPS - Essay Example Thus, the functional system if affected in the long run. II. Information system: which are supposed to ensure that information flows throughout the organization? However, the large number of union members makes it difficult for the organization to pass information to its members. This makes it difficult for the organizational members to make any meaningful decisions. This generally affects the team-building aspect of the organization and the financial situation of the organization only worsens the situation (Hicks, 2014). III. Divisional system ensures that an organization is able to enable its employees or members to have the required specialization and division of labor for the well-being of the organization. The employees reports to a general manager who then reports to a senior executive officer. However, the current absence of leadership makes the situation difficult. If the leaders were present in the organization, they could come up with creative strategies to motivate the workers thus enabling the required teamwork in the organization (Kille, 2013). Hicks, J. (2014, May 9). Postal Service lost $1.9 billion in second quarter, despite uptick for first-class mail. Retrieved from eye/wp/2014/05/09/postal-service-lost-1-9-billion-in-second-quarter/ Kille, L. W. (2013, July 8). The U.S. Postal Service and financial sustainability: Research roundup. Retrieved from postal-service-financial-sustainability-research-roundup# Wieczner, J. (2012, August 27). Postal Service Financial Problems: 10 Things They Dont Want You to Know. Retrieved from

Friday, August 23, 2019

The (IEP) Individualize Educational Plan for students with speech and Research Paper

The (IEP) Individualize Educational Plan for students with speech and language disorders - Research Paper Example Inclusive education is defined by the Salamanca Framework of Action as â€Å"education in the mainstream of regular education regardless of race, linguistic ability, economic status, gender, age, ability, ethnicity, religious and sexual orientation†. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA, 2004) prescribed educational institutions to thoroughly consider the needs of students with special education needs. Each child with disability will be furnished with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An IEP is the educational map used for children with disabilities availing of special education services in schools. Under Public law 108-144, the IEPs are required to have the following components: the child’s present level of performance; measurable annual goals; how the child’s progress toward meeting the annual goals will be measured and when periodic reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will be provided; the special educati on (i.e., specially designed instruction) and related services and supplementary aids and services, based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable, to be provided to the child; program modifications or supports for school personnel that will be provided for the child; the extent to which the child will not participate with nondisabled children in the regular classroom; and individual appropriate accommodations that are necessary to measure the academic achievement and functional performance of the child on state and districtwide assessments (PL 108-446, 2004) IDEA (2004) emphasizes the accurate and objective measurement of the student’s progress B. Statement of the Problem This paper aims to explore what individual education programs (IEPs) are for children with special education needs. How is the curriculum modified to suit their needs? C. Summary This chapter has presented the concept of inclusion education the Individualized Educational Program as mandated by la w to be provided to children with special education needs. II. Literature Review A. Introduction and Overview Children with special education needs usually have more difficulty coping with the learning tasks in the inclusive classroom, considering they learn with more able peers. Thanks to government mandates Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) as implementation from the Salamanca Framework of Action of UNESCO that children with special education needs have same rights and privileges as typically-developing children. Diliberto and Brewer (2012) define the IEP as the â€Å"curriculum road map for special education services developed by a team of individuals who are critical to the student's educational success† (p. 31). This program should be based on the appropriate assessment of the student’s strengths and needs by the whole IEP team (O'Conner & Wyasik, 2008). In order to address the learning needs of students with special educ ation needs, teachers should prepare their IEP based on the recommended goals and objectives of professionals who have diagnosed the learners. The teachers themselves should assess the students’ academic performance in all subjects or curricular areas by using both formal and formal assessment materials, interviews with other teachers of their observations and determining the students’ strengths and weaknesses. All observations and judgments regarding the students’ abilities should be considered in the design of the IEP. After looking into the student, the teacher should now analyze if the curriculum for the students’ class or level is appropriate to the students with spe

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Continuities and changes of religion in Sub-saharan Africa Essay Example for Free

Continuities and changes of religion in Sub-saharan Africa Essay Sub-saharan Africa has undergone changes with religion such as the changing of religious affiliation to Christianity and the practices of cosmology and ontology, however, Sub-saharan Africa has also remained constant with their thoughts being focused on various beliefs like a creator and evil. Christianity was predominantly the main religion in Sub-saharan Africa opposed to the Muslims of North Africa. Christianity in the Americas slowly began to send out missionaries to spread the Gospel and build churches in Africa. The people began to form their daily lives and rituals accordingly and the population of Christians rose from about 9% to around 63% over the years from the 1900s to modern day. Missions in Africa is most definitely something that Christians in other part of the world have focused on. It seems to be a more targeted area for its other religious practices such as cosmology and ontology. Cosmology and Ontology are more philosophical beliefs in nature, evolution, and the way the world works. In Africa, many small tribes are closed off from communication outside of their tribe, and have practiced certain beliefs for hundreds of years. This belief system tends to lean towards the more relaxed religion and allows freedom for the people in those tribes to do what they want as long as it is parallel to what is right in nature. Everything in this philosophical study is that of nature. Nature is considered holy and worthy of worship. Cosmology and Ontology are how Sub-Saharan Africans attempted to explain our complex world in the simplest way possible that makes sense to them. There were also other beliefs that Sub-saharan Africans developed over time such as the belief in evil beings and eternal paradise. Sub-saharan Africans soon realized that there needed to be some kind of an explanation for what happens when you die, or what evil is. These details did not necessarily help form a new religion, but rather simply added on top of the religions already in place in the Sub-saharan region. In the Niger-congo area, there was a common belief in spirits, a creator of the universe rather than evolution. In other areas, there was the belief in the worship and idolization of ones personal gods whom they gave thanks to and credited much of their life to. These tribes lived their lives to please their gods in order to win favor and win a long and prosperous life. This is also something that was seen in Ancient Greece where Greek Mythology and the worship of gods took place. These people too, lived to please the gods to live a good life. In conclusion, Sub-saharan African has undergone changes in religion such as Christianity and Cosmology, but there was also factors that remained constant throughout the existence of Sub-saharan Africa such as little tribes who believe in pleasing personal gods.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Online Rerservation System Essay Example for Free

Online Rerservation System Essay Online hotel or resort reservations are becoming a very popular method for booking hotel or resort rooms. Travelers can book rooms from home by using online security to protect their privacy and financial information and by using several online travel agents to compare prices and facilities at different hotels. 1 Hotel or resort reservations systems, commonly known as Online Reservation System (ORS) is a computerized system that stores and distributes information of a hotel, resort, or other lodging facilities. It is an assistant for hoteliers to manage all of their online marketing and sales, where they can upload their rates and availabilities to be seen by all sales channels that are using an ORS. Sales channels may include conventional travel agencies as well as online travel agencies. A hotelier using an online reservation system easens his or her tasks for online distribution, because an ORS does everything to distribute hotel information to the sales channels instead of the hoteliers.2 Here in the Philippines, the biggest hotels and resorts are using the same technology. But, in some far flung provinces, some hotels and resorts are still using manual reservation system. They use signages and some print advertisements for their marketing; and log books and some paperworks to record customers’ data. One of these establishments is the Double Mother’s Mayon Spring Resort which is located in Barangay Buyuan, Legazpi City. It was established by Lilian Pareja, a native of Albay Province, on March 8, 2008. She built the resort to fulfill her dreams of having one. Double Mother’s Mayon Sprong Resort has full amenities like: 15 rooms with toilet and bathrooms, all are airconditioned; 21 cottages; a convention hall for special occassions, and can accommodate up to250 persons;2 swimming pools; slides; restaurant with videoke; and a rent-a-car. The resort is one of the most affordable resorts in the province yet has a quaility of a five star place. The room price range from P 750.00 to P 5,000.00 per 24 hours of stay. The cottages are priced P 300.00 a day. And, the package program of their convention hall is P 25,000.00, with all the amenities included. The resort has varied of customers: from locals to foreigners. The main attractions of the resort are the full view of Mayon Volcano and the spring water coming from it. Tourists came in the province all year round. For 2 years that the resort was created, all transactions were made manually by the front desk personnel. After the reseachers meeting with the manager and talked about this study and its benefits to the resort, they immediately agreed as thevenue for the study. The resort understands â€Å"the role of information systems and technologies in company’s management and daily operations has been widely acknowledge and assessed as positive†.3 Research has shown the importance and unprecedented growth potential of e-commerce and its role as a new electronic distribution channel.4 It has been also well agreed in the literature that establishing an online presence and adopting e-commerce business models increases company’s competetiveness, profitability, and efficiency. Statement of the Problem The Double Mother’s Mayon Spring Resort has no online presence and computerized system for their establishment. All their marketing and transactions are made manually, and because of this, it costs them time, money, and lack of customers. The researchers will find ways to answer the following questions: 1. How to attract tourists from other provinces and countries? 2. How to launch a marketing campaign that is low in cost? 3. How to provide aswers to the questions of would-be-customers without lifting a phone or having a face-to-face contact? 4. How and where to keep files accurately and effeciently with confidentiality? 5. How to retreive files and print reports easily?  6. Will it be possible to easily monitor the sales on daily, weekly, or monthly basis? 7. How to compute the bill of the customers accurately? Objectives of the Study This study aims to solve the current problems of Double Mother’s Mayon Spring Resort when it comes to Marketing/Advertisement and Management system. The researchers aim to achieve objectives, such as: 1. To attract tourists from other provinces and countries by developing and launching a program or website for information and online presence. 2. To launch a low cost marketing and advertisement campaigns that reaches a wide audience by having an online information and connected with other websites and government agencies connected with hospitality industry. 3. To provide answers to would-be-touristsby having a detailed Frequently Asked Questions coulumn on the resort’s website. 4. To keep files secured, accurate, and efficient by developing a database with passwords that only the administration and owners knows. 5. To retreive files and reports easily and automatically. 6. To save money and time for efficient and accurate transactions. Scope and Delimitation The study will provide answers to the problems of Double Mother’s Mayon Spring Resort when it comes to marketing and effectively managing the business. This will limit the study on the online presence and reservation system. Significance of the Study This study is important to all stakeholders, to the business and to the hospitality industry. 1. The study will make the business of resort thrive for installation of new system and technologies for doing marketing and management. 2. It will be a great help for the employees of Double Mother’s Mayon Spring Resort because it will make their work easier and efficient. 3. There will be less paperwork and their will be less time consumed. 4. The management can manned their manpower to do other things rather than do the time consuming procedures of traditional marketing and reservation system. 5. Assessing the customer’s record will also be easier, faster, more precise and accurate. 6. It will also make the establishment more efficient in terms of providing faster and more efficient quality service. 7. The tourists will have an option of reserving a room or package with the resort’s online presence. 8. The would-be-customers can save time, energy, and money in looking for the right resort or service. 9. This will benefit students and future researchers to serve as reference in conducting researches of similar nature and topic. 10. This will also help the researchers to widen their knowledge and provide them personal experience as they make and work on this study.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cultural Adaptations to Heat Stress in Dry Environments

Cultural Adaptations to Heat Stress in Dry Environments Human beings have long inhabited hot environments, and have developed several physiological mechanisms in order to deal with heat stress. We are exposed to two kinds of heat stress, environmental and metabolic, on a regular basis. Heat can be gained from the environment through radiation, convection and conduction, as well as created during the course of metabolic activity, which is compounded by exertion. The heat gained from these sources must be balanced by convective heat loss to the environment and through the evaporative cooling mechanisms (Hanna and Brown). Failure of these cooling mechanisms can result in heatstroke, a serious condition which can cause severe damage to the central nervous system (Bouchama and Knochel 2002). Over reliance on evaporative cooling can lead to another debilitating condition, dehydration. Hot desert environments, such as those found in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, are a perfect storm of stresses on human heat tolerance. High ambient temp eratures maximize heat gain from the environment, while severely reducing our ability to lose both environmental and metabolic heat by convective means. This causes an increase reliance on evaporative cooling in order to deal with rising body temperature. Increased sweating, combined with the lack of readily available water in desert climates severely increases the risk of dehydration. Populations native to desert areas exposed to the dual stresses of heat and lack of water employ a variety of cultural adaptations in order to buffer their natural thermoregulatory processes. Primary amongst these adaptations is the creation of a favorable microclimate through the use of clothing and architecture. (Hanna and Brown). Human heat tolerance can be summed up through the equation; Mb + Ma + S = E + R + K + C In this equation Mb and Ma represent heat generated by the body through basal metabolic activity and physical activity respectively. S is representative of the amount of heat stored by the tissues of the body. The right side of the equation represents environmental heat, with E, R, K, and C standing for evaporation, radiation, convection and conduction, the primary methods by which heat is lost to, or gained from, the environment. Evaporative cooling takes place as water secreted by the endocrine glands onto the skins surface undergoes a phase change and draws heat away from the body. Radiative heat gain is based on the transference of wide span length electromagnetic waves. Factors such as an objects temperature, reflectance and surface area, as well as those of objects around it, affect the net heat flow through this mechanism. While there is a positive gain of radiant heat by the human body from the sun under all circumstances, environmental conditions can greatly affect the magni tude of this gain. Heat flow by conduction functions in a manner similar to diffusion, between materials in contact with one another and from high to low heat areas. Environmentally, conductive heat exchange can occur between the body and the ground, while with-in the body it is the mechanism by which heat is transferred from the core to the surface of the skin. Convective heat flow occurs between an object and a moving fluid. The movements of the fluid can carry heat away from the body; this is the reason why a cool breeze can be so refreshing on a warm day. When ambient temperatures are at or above body temperature, however, convective currents can significantly increase heat load, sometimes beyond the bodys ability to compensate through other means (Hanna and Brown). Heat stroke is caused by an elevation of body temperature, usually due to failure of cooling mechanisms caused by exposure to high external temperatures, and is the most severe form of heat illness. Exertion can accelerate the onset of heat stroke by increasing metabolic heat production in active muscles. Symptoms of heat stroke include confusion and irrational behavior, weak pulse, elevation of breathing rate and unconsciousness. Severe cases can cause brain damage and organ failure, leading to death. An early symptom of the onset of heat illness is profuse sweating, caused by the bodys attempts to return to homeostasis. Salt loss through this excess perspiration can lead to muscle cramps, while the increase in water loss itself further elevates risk of dehydration (Heat Emergencies). Dehydration is the result of an imbalance between fluid loss and intake. Illness is a common cause of this condition, especially in children and the elderly. Reliance on sweating as a cooling mechanism without adequately rehydrating is another frequent cause of this condition. In hot dry environments, where increased sweating is required in order to maintain body temperature, dehydration is particularly common. Cases of Dehydration can randge from mild to severe, depending on the percentage of overall body water lost. Mild dehydration is easily treatable, and has relatively few long term consequences. Severe dehydration, if not treated quickly can result in damage to the central nervous system or death. Symptoms of dehydration include low blood pressure due to reduced fluid volume, elevated heart rate, dry mouth, low urine production, and in severe cases, lethargy and coma. One sign of dehydration is a reduction in skin turgor. Reduced water levels in the tissues cause skin to lose its elasticity, causing it to slowly return to position after being pinched upwards (. Cultural adaptations can serve as a buffer between the environment and the body, allowing survival in environments where physiological responses would be inadequate for or impede survival. Remarkable examples of this are seen in the populations of Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The populations native to these regions, such as the nomadic Bedouin and semi-nomadic Tuareg have developed specialized clothing and architecture that allow them to survive in some of the hottest, driest areas in the world, the Sahara and Arabian Deserts. The specialized material culture utilized by these groups facilitates the creation of a favorable microclimate around the body which allows them to maintain homeostasis without relying as strenuously on physiological mechanisms. A desert environment is defined by the KÃ ¶ppen-Geiger climate classification system as a region where the mean annual participation in mm is less than or equal to 5 Pth, which is defined by the following equation, In order to be designated as a hot desert, the region must also have a mean annual temperature greater than or equal to 18ÂÂ °C (Kottek et al). The Sahara Desert is the largest in the world, covering an area of 9,100,000 km2 across the breadth of North Africa. The central region of the desert receives less than 25 mm of rainfall annually, while regions on the eastern margin receiving as little as 5 mm annually. Rainfall is extremely sporadic when it does occur; a single storm sometimes accounts for multiple years worth of precipitation. The region is also amongst the hottest on earth, with temperatures exceeding 50ÂÂ ° C in the summer months. Diurnal variation in temperature can be considerable, the recorded maximum variation being 38ÂÂ ° C. Extreme winds are common in the Sahara, which when laden with dust make the environment even less hospitable. Underground aquifers occasionally break the surface and create oases amongst the otherwise barren landscape of stone plat eaus, salt flats and dunes (Berrahmouni and Burgess). The Arabian Desert is the dominant eco-region on the Arabian Peninsula, covering 1,851,300 Km2. Contained within the larger desert region is the vast Rubal-Khali, the Empty Quarter, which is the largest continuous area of sand in the world, stretching 500,000 km2. Salt flats and limestone cliffs are present in other regions of the desert. Average annual rainfall is less than 35mm, while temperatures average around 47ÂÂ ° C in summer. Temperatures drop significantly at night, sometimes reaching low enough for frost to form (Llewellyn-Smith). The Bedouin are a primarily nomadic pastoralist group located in the desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Their subsistence is based around the raising of sheep, goats and camels, with limited dependence on seasonal agriculture in groups inhabiting regions with more predictable seasonal rains. The Bedouins traditional form of shelter is the bayt, a large rectangular tent constructed from sheeps wool. The roof is supported by a series of tall poles, while the walls of the tent are pinned onto the edge of the roof. The bottoms of the wall pieces are buried in the sand or pegged down, depending on the nature of the terrain. The interior is divided into sections, one for cooking and storage, the other for the entertaining of visitors. (Chatty) The tent is typically open along one of its long sides. This open wall, called the face of the tent or wej al bait, is on the leeward side. In the event of a sudden change in the wind, the back wall of then tent is unpinned and moved to what was formerly the face of the tent. In particularly hot weather parts of the side walls are unpinned to increase air flow throughout the tent. Carpets are sometimes employed to thicken the roof of the tent when the sun is stronger than usual (Dickson). When the wind is not particularly strong the side walls can be lowered entirely in order to maximize ventilation and cooling (Musil). The Bedouin traditionally dress in long, light garments that cover a majority of the bodys surface. For men, typical garments include a long tunic like shirt with wide sleeves that reaches to the ankles, loose trousers, a sleeveless cloak and a head cloth held in place by a woolen cord wound around the head. Womens clothing is similar, consisting of a long sleeved dress, black cotton over garment, loose trousers, cloak and various degrees of head covering, depending on the region the particular group hails from (Dickson). The Tuareg are a predominantly nomadic group inhabiting the nations of Mali, Algeria Niger and Libya. Different Tuareg groups practice widely different modes of subsistence, ranging from nomadic stock-breeding and trading to oasis gardening, although the latter is viewed with somewhat of a social stigma (Rasmussen). The Tuareg utilize a variety of both portable and non-portable dwellings, depending on their particular mode of subsistence. Nomadic Tuareg generally utilize a combination of mat and skin tents depending on regional conditions and availability of materials. Both of these tent forms follow the same basic layout, with the roof and sides suspended from a series of poles anchored in the substrate, while a wooden bed forms the floor of the structure. The particular arrangement of the poles varies significantly by region and preference, ranging from a small number of arches to a series of upright posts. The more sedentary groups amongst the Tuareg construct a variety of mud and mud coated stone houses, some of which are subterranean or semi-subteranean. These houses are typically rectangular, with small windows and flat roofs, although conical and domed forms are not uncommon in some regions of the Tuaregs territory. The most conspicuous aspects of traditional Tuareg clothing amongst both men and women are elaborate head coverings, taking the form of a veiled turban-like garment amongst men and a less elaborate head cloth for women. The mens veil, called a teguelmoust, is typically worn so that only a small space for the eyes is exposed. The amount of the face exposed varies considerably, however, depending on social circumstances. Mens garb consists of loose trousers and multiple sleeveless gandurah (a loose fitting cloak-like garment). Although sleeveless, the gandurah is loose enough that it typically extends below the hands. It is folded up over the forearms or shoulders when necessary to free the hands for manual labor. Womens costume includes either baggy trousers or a cotton skirt reaching to the knees, a gandurah similar to those worn by men but stitched higher on the sides, and a combination of shawl and headscarf made from the indigo dyed cotton popular amongst the Tuareg. This is often folded across the face for protection from the elements when riding or in the sun (Briggs). The primary benefit of clothing in a desert environment is its ability to minimize radiant heat gain by blocking solar radiation. Layers of clothing and air pockets caught between the layers insulate the body and prevent heat from being transferred to it. Baggy clothing allows for ventilation and air flow around the body, which encourage both convective and evaporative heat loss while still protecting the individual from environmental heat gain. Traditional populations in the regions of the Sahara and Arabian Deserts benefit from these concepts by dressing in layers of loose clothing that covers a majority of the body. A study performed by Henschel Hanson demonstrates the effectiveness of protective clothing in maintaining body temperature. This study demonstrated that acclimatized individuals wearing desert fatigues sweat 30% less than unclothed individuals when at rest, due to protection from radiant heat gain. Further benefit is seen in a lower core temperature and reduced heart rate relative to unclothed resting individuals. Clothing becomes less effective protection as metabolic heat production increases through exertion. The same study demonstrated that the benefits experienced by the individuals in desert fatigues were reduced by half (15% less than unclothed individuals) while engaged in physical labor (Hanna Brown). This reduction is due to an increased need to vent internally produced heat as compared to the benefit of preventing the uptake of environmental heat. The traditional clothing worn by the Bedouin and Tuareg is looser than typical fatigues, allowing for better circulating and larger pockets of insulating air, as well as providing superior protection to the head, neck and shoulders. This would likely increase the protective benefit gained by an individual at rest. The design of the clothing, allowing for more significant ventilation than desert fatigues, would likely allow an individual at work to still reap the maximum protective benefit w hile at the same time shedding metabolically generated heat. Another benefit of the head coverings worn by the Bedouin and Tuareg is their ability to protect the lungs and face from the desiccating effects of the hot dry winds. When pulled across the face, these veils can maintain a small pocket of air which is relatively humid compared to the environment, which greatly reduces the discomfort caused by exposure of the mucous membranes to the dry desert air (Briggs). Amos Rapoport describes in his book House Form and Culture several architectural traditions employed in hot dry climates that create favorable microclimates for human survival. Amongst these cultural adaptations are the use of stone and clay as building materials, small windows, use of courtyards, mutual shading and underground construction (Rapoport). Building materials such as stone or mud have a significant advantage in desert environments due to their high heat capacity. These materials function as a heat sink, absorbing radiant and convective heat during the day without significantly transferring heat to the shaded interior of the building. An added advantage to this style of architecture is its ability to hold onto heat gained over the course of the day, which can help deal with the low overnight temperatures common to deserts. A similar tactic is seen in underground construction. Dwellings constructed underground can take advantage of the tremendous heat capacity of the soil i tself to buffer interior temperatures from the outside environment. An example of this can be seen in the Matmata house found in parts of the Sahara. This structure takes the form of a series of subterranean rooms built around a central, pit-like courtyard. Upwards of 30 feet of earth shield the interior rooms from the heat of the sun, allowing the inhabitants to remain significantly cooler than they would be able to in an above ground structure (Rapoport). Surface Buildings in deserts are frequently constructed with few and small windows. This functions to reduce the amount radiant heat reaching the interior of the building directly. Placing windows high in the walls further serves this purpose. Permanent dwellings constructed by the Tuareg conform to these design standards; utilizing materials with a high heat capacity and minimizing opportunities for radiant and convective heat to enter the interior through windows or large doors (Nicholaison). The tents employed by the Bedouin cannot employ the techniques described above to the same degree, but instead function in a fashion similar to that of dessert clothing. Like the long robes worn by the Bedouin, the tent absorbs radiant heat, but prevents it from reaching the cooler microclimate within the tent. Attaching extra rugs to the roof of the tent in particularly hot weather furthers its ability to block and absorb radiant heat by increasing the amount of material able to take in heat and the distance that heat has to diffuse to reach the interior of the tent. The ability to adjust the walls of the tent in accordance with the need for ventilation and the strength of the wind also is a significant advantage. Ventilation can be adjusted in order to maximize air flow through the interior of the tent, and therefore cooling, while minimizing convective heating. Even with the back walls of the tent all the way up, enough air should penetrate through gaps in the panels to create a c urrent through the tent and out the front opening, removing hot air from the interior of the tent. The mat tents used by the Tuareg are thought to be vastly superior to the skin tents in the hot, dry season. They are better ventilated and, according to claims made by anthropologist Johannes Nicolaisen, the mat covering is not heated to any great extent by the sun (Nicolaisen, p. 375). Desert environments are extremely difficult conditions under which to live. They combine high ambient heat with a lack of water, pushing the human ability to maintain thermal homeostasis to its absolute limit. This taxing environment has encouraged the use of cultural adaptations to provide a buffer between the environment and the physiologic mechanisms necessary to keep cool. The primary areas in which these adaptations are applied are clothing and architecture. Loose, light clothing is utilized to block the absorption of radiant and convective heat from the environment, while at the same time creating an environment that maximizes convective and evaporative heat loss by creating a cycling zone of cool air next to the skin, allowing thermoregulation while only minimally engaging homeostatic mechanisms. Desert architecture utilizes high heat capacity materials and the earth itself as a heat sink to keep indoor temperatures at reasonable levels. The microclimate created through these cultural techniques provides a buffer zone that protects desert populations from the harmful effects of overtaxing their bodies cooling mechanisms and allows them to survive under some of the harshest conditions on earth.